12/21/2023 The second annual Flashlight Egg Hunt will be held on Friday, April 5, 2024 at the Altoona Curve - Peoples Natural Gas Field in Altoona, PA.

Buy tickets online.
The Flashlight Egg Hunt welcomes adults 18 years of age and older to don a headlamp, grab a bag or strap on a backpack, and scurry to gather as many eggs as possible in the dark. Once the lights are turned back on, participants can open their eggs to reveal candy or a slip of paper corresponding to a special prize.
Participants should come prepared with a headlamp/other light and bag or backpack to hold their eggs.
Before the Egg Hunt gets started, enjoy live music from Matt Pletcher and delicious food and drinks available for purchase from Belly Busters, Funnel Cake Kings, Coffee Coop, and Altoona Curve concessions. Must be 21 to buy alcoholic beverages. The Egg Hunt will begin at approximately 8:30 p.m. when it's dark.
All funds raised at the Flashlight Egg Hunt will benefit the
Healing Patch Children’s Grief Program. The Healing Patch began in 2006 as a free peer support program for children and their families who have suffered the death of a loved one. Since that time, the program has expanded to support children through in-school services, grief resources, and other community services. Sharing memories and experiences allows grieving children and families to discover that what they are going through is normal and that hope and healing are possible. The Healing Patch is a FREE service to the community and relies on individual and community donations, grants and fundraising events for support.
Click here to see the donation request form.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Left Field Sponsor: 1st Summit Bank
Right Field Sponsor: Cresson House, Inc.
Music Sponsor: www.MyQuickBuy.com
Candy Sponsors
State Senator Wayne Langerholc, Jr.
Dorman's Jewelers, Inc.
Thank you to our prize donors!
814 Fit
A-1 Auto
ACE Hardware
Altoona Community Theatre
Altoona Grand Hotel
Arrow Land Solutions, LLC
BestWay Pizza Greenwood
Blair Regional YMCA
Charity Safaris
Children's Museum of Pittsburgh
Dino's Pizza - Greenwood
Dino's Pizza - Logan Town Center
Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom
Dreammakers Cleaning, Inc.
Eat'n Park
Ebensburg Hoss's Steak & Sea
Everest Medical Weight Loss
Everett Railroad
Front Street Deli
Hard Bean Coffee
Hershey Gardens
Holiday Bowl
Kendra Scott
La Fiesta Mexican Bar & Grille
Lena's Cafe
Mary Kay - Paula DeLattre
Pittsburgh Steelers
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
Roaring Spring True Value/Roaring Spring Department Store
Scavenger Hunts by Let's Roam
Shannon's Creations
Splash Lagoon
Taps on 2nd Tavern & Grill
Texas Hot Dogs
The Pickled Pimp