Support Our Events
You can directly impact the lives of others by supporting the Home Nursing Agency Foundation through our upcoming events.
Sign up now to be added to our events mailing list for the first opportunity to buy a Mercedes Moment ticket and news on other ways to support the HNA Foundation:
Flashlight Egg Hunt
Friday, March 28, 2025
Hosted at the Peoples Natural Gas Field in Altoona, the Flashlight Egg Hunt welcomes adults 18 years and older to don a headlamp, grab a bag or strap on a backpack, and scurry to gather as many eggs as possible in the dark. Once the lights are turned back on, participants can crack open their eggs to find candy, or more desirable, slips of paper bearing a number that the holder can use to claim a prize. All funds raised will benefit the Healing Patch Children’s Grief Program.

Thursday, May 29, 2025
This signature fundraiser offers a 1 in 1,000 chance to win a Mercedes or $30,000 in cash! This fundraiser benefits all those who receive funds from the Home Nursing Agency Foundation.

Saturday, October 25, 2025 Blair County Convention Center, Altoona
Join us as we dance thru the decades with America’s most popular music from the 1960s to now! Before the Decades Club dance party gets started, the Reverse Raffle Drawing will give ticketholders a chance to win cash prizes. The real winners of the evening are the children and families supported through the Healing Patch Children’s Grief Program!

November-December 2025
This holiday giving campaign provides the opportunity to honor or remember those we love during the holiday season while supporting our Family Hospice and Grief Services. Our signature white and blue lights bring attention to those services while shining a light for special loved ones. Interactive trees on the HNA website offer donors a unique opportunity to personalize tributes for the loved ones they are honoring or remembering.